
An effort to create
an institution
for computer programming.

A disciplined and structured approach to learning and implementing the fundamentals of programming.


JASOP provides a profound understanding of basic coding for Your Kid

through bleeding edge concepts, and an amazing peer group to learn with.


Three unique and challenging phases

Through Computer Programming.

Details - Python Programming

Extensive Python Programming

Probably the most exhaustive and updated Python Course in the world! It is spread over three semester-style phases, each restricted by a qualifying exam.


Lecture Title
Introduction: Course Introduction, Programming Fundamentals
Computer Fundamentals: Compilers, Interpreters, Evolution of Computers, Types of Language
Python Fundamentals & Types of Errors: Hands On IDLE, Running Python Scripts, Error Debugging
Keywords, Variables & Comments: Python Keywords, Data types, Types of Comments
Operators: Types of Operators, Precedence level, Hands on Coding
Branching & Looping: Conditional and Unconditional Branching, Looping
Mini Project:

Phase #2 - Intermediate

Lecture Title
Python Basics : Variables, Operators, Branching, Looping
Functions: Recursive, Non-recursive, Flow of Execution
Strings: Operations, In-built Functions
Regular Expression: RE Module, RE Functions, RE Formats
Sequence & Dictionary Data Types: List, Tuple, Dictionary, Sets
Mini Project:

Phase #3 - Advanced

Lecture Title
Python Basics : Variables, Operators, Branching, Looping, Functions, Sequence Data Types, Regular Expression
Exception Handling: Types, Try, Catch, Except
File Handling: Concepts, In-built Functions
Object Oriented Concepts: Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Inhertiance
Classes & Objects: Introduction to Classes, Functions and Methods
Inheritance: Concepts, Magic Methods
Introduction to Machine Learning: What is M.L, Numpy, Pandas

More Coures Comming Soon!


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